AC Hub Events

We offer a variety of free events and activities through the AC Hub.

Sometimes the goal is to teach, promote wellness, and inspire — other times it’s to foster relationships and fun.
The main thing to know: there’s something for you, no matter what you’re into.

New AC Hub events are always being added to the Student Support Services event calendar – check it out to stay in the loop!

Explore our Events Calendar

AC Hub on Demand

AC Hub on Demand

The AC Hub brings you AC Hub On Demand, a new online event series that keeps our entire Algonquin College community connected. Tune in for live virtual events and help support our local businesses and connect with our College community.

Speaker Series

Speaker Series

Your next lightbulb moment is around the corner! Big ideas, inspiring stories, and tricks of the trade abound at the AC Hub’s speaker series. Turn your passion into purpose at Third Thursday, boost your skillset at Masterclasses led by AC alumni, and more.

Plant Workshop

Wellness and Social Events

Unwind and connect! It’s important to make time for fun when you’re in school. These virtual events are a great way to self-care and socialize with other students.


Unleash your inner artist at paint night, flex your green thumb with a DIY terrarium, or become a wine and food connoisseur… our hands-on workshops let you do all this and more. Join us to discover new skills and create something unique!

Student at Orientation


Orientation is your introduction to all things Algonquin College. Our online resources and on-campus events will build your support network and set you up for success. If you’re starting your AC journey, visit the Orientation website to learn about Online Prep, AC Start Up Webinars, and Virtual AC Day 1.