Clinical Dental Assisting Level II Theory

Course: DEN5666

Paced online theory course material presents the required knowledge to support the development of the Dental Assisting Level II Intra oral skills in keeping with the Canadian Dental Assistant's Association and the National Dental Assisting Examination Board's national standards. Course design encourages interactive learning with peers and your instructor, allowing you learn to your full potential. Course evaluation takes place through a comprehensive theory examination, where a final grade of 60% is required to proceed to DEN5667, the Laboratory/Clinical component of this program. Required Study Materials for the course:Robinson, D., Bird, D. (2013). Essentials of Dental Assisting, 5th Edition. ST. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier


This is a self study course. Participant can expect to spend 120-150 hours in preparation utilizing the self-study guide before writing the examination.  Applicants must provide proof of Level I with their application.  Application can be obtained by calling 613-727-4723 ext. 5078.

All sections for this course are in progress.

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