The Law of Armed Conflict

Course: MAS1002

This course is part of the following part-time on campus and/or online program(s):

This course gives students a solid knowledge of the law regarding the use of force in international and non-international armed conflicts. Following an examination of the situation of the Law of Armed Conflict within the broader context of Public International Law, there will be a general discussion of the general concepts of the LOAC and its two branches, the jus ad bellum (the right to the use of force) and the jus in bello (the law applicable in conflict) A study of the rules includes their applicability in operational situations, with reference to issues including the notion of combatants, prisoners of war, the treatment of civilians, the obligation to limit unnecessary suffering and damage, the legality of certain weapons, and special cases such as child soldiers and mercenaries. The course concludes with an examination of means of enforcing the law, including national courts, ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court.

All sections for this course are in progress.

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