College and SA Presidents to walk a mile in each other’s shoes

myAC IWD swap

This just in! Two influential leaders at Algonquin College will be swapping places and lifting barriers in support of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2016.

The 2016 theme for International Women’s Day is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality”. That’s why Algonquin College President Cheryl Jensen and Algonquin Student’s Association President Sara Grainger will be marking International Women’s Day this year by walking a mile in each other’s shoes.

This swap emphasizes the importance of women in senior leadership roles, and embodies President Cheryl’s mandate wherein great leaders immerse themselves in the world around them to foster connections and understanding.

It’s a Freaky Friday switch all week long! Watch for Sara and Cheryl during their swap from March 7- March 11, and if you spot them in the halls, get a photo and send us a tweet @AlgonquinColleg!



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