Persons with Disabilities – Evacuation Information

The following information has been developed in consultation with the Centre for Students with Disabilities to support the College evacuation procedures.

During an emergency, all members of the college community have a moral responsibility to assist in the evacuation of persons with disabilities.

Examples of disabilities are:

  • visual impairments (reduced vision or blindness)
  • hearing impairments (some degree of hearing loss or deafness)
  • mobility impairments (those who use walkers, crutches, motorized scooters, wheelchairs, canes – may be short or long term)
  • other medical conditions that pose a functional limitation


All persons with disabilities, who are able to use the stairs with or without assistance, shall evacuate according to the emergency evacuation orders.

Persons with disabilities who are unable to use the stairs should:

1. If located on the ground floor, use the nearest safe and appropriate exit (ground level, wheelchair ramp etc.)

2. If located on the second floor of a linked building, move to the next building horizontally.

3. If the alarm bells are ringing in a building you have moved to; OR

you are located on a non-linked floor; OR

you are located in an area that is not described above, proceed to the nearest collection point or safe exit.

4. Use the emergency phone, if available, to report your location.

5. Wait at that location or inside the stairwell for assistance from the Fire Department or fire emergency personnel.

The Security Office may be contacted from any emergency telephone located near the exits. When contacted, Security will note your location and advise you to remain in that location. Either Fire Department personnel or College fire emergency personnel will respond – but only if the situation requires further evacuation. Please be aware that in the vast majority of alarm or alert conditions, the collection point or stairwell locations are the safest place to wait. Many alarm or alert conditions arise that may not warrant taking the risks associated with a manual evacuation of a mobility impaired person, unless it is further determined that the circumstances pose a life safety risk. Even if you are at an exit where there is no emergency phone or you are unsuccessful contacting Security – stay in that location

Wait for the arrival of these fire department or College emergency personnel OR wait for the “all clear” to be given before leaving the area.

College staff or others who are assisting a person with a disability should designate one person to wait in the same location and render assistance, as appropriate. College staff or others who are assisting a person with a disability should not attempt to evacuate the person with a disability from a safe location without the assistance of fire emergency personnel.

Security Services maintains emergency evacuation equipment for persons who are mobility impaired. This equipment may be deployed by Security personnel or other responding emergency services personnel, dependent on the circumstances. The equipment is available for use in circumstances where the risk of remaining in a particular location presents a greater threat to life safety than the risks associated with the evacuation of a person to an area of relative safety.

Following a fire alarm, which does not necessitate the evacuation of persons with disabilities, Security Services will check all reported locations to ensure all such persons are advised of the “all clear”.

Persons with impaired hearing may not perceive audible emergency alarms. In these cases, and where visual emergency alarms are not installed, alternative warning techniques should be given by faculty. This can be done by writing a note indicating the nature of the emergency or by turning the light switch on and off to gain the student’s attention. Then, through gestures or writing, indicate what is happening and what should be done. Assist the student to evacuate the building, if necessary.