Reporting Suspicious Activity

SuspicionSuspicious activity refers to suspicious persons, behaviour and activity. Your assistance in reporting suspicious activity helps to maintain a safe and secure environment for all College occupants.

  • Do not hesitate to report suspicious activity
  • Dial “0” to contact the Administration Office during regular busines hours or call 911 outside of regular business hours
  • Be prepared to identify yourself, your location and provide details. Stay where you are or advise emergency personnel where you are going
  • Continue to monitor the person or activity, if possible, while awaiting emergency personnel and without placing yourself in danger
  • Do not approach a suspicious person yourself


  • Remain calm. Do not handle it and keep other people away
  • Remove yourself and any other affected staff / students from the immediate area of the package without causing alarm (one wall separation is sufficient at this time)
  • Dial “0” to contact the Administration Office during regular busines hours or call 911 outside of regular business hours and provide as much information as possible