Power Outage

no power

Power outages can occur without warning and can range from very localized to widespread in nature. The cause of a power outage may be outside of the College within the municipal / provincial distribution system or may be within the College distribution system. Emergency personnel will immediately investigate the cause of a power outage and it may take some time to communicate these details to the College community and / or assess the possible duration of an outage.

When a power outage occurs you should:

  • Remain Calm ~ Do Not Use Elevators
  • CALL the “5000” emergency line and report the location of the power outage
  • STAY in your area and continue with normal operations, if possible
  • If you leave your area due to darkness, move to a better-lighted area of the College
  • Use flashlights and mobile devices to move about safely in a dark area
  • Await further direction regarding the outage