IT Fee

The Student IT Fee

What is the IT Fee?

The student IT Fee is a small fee students pay each term to help pay for the computer network, computer labs, basic printing, access to software and other computer related services on campus.

Each course or program is flagged for whether it requires computers. If your course needs computers, the IT Fee is mandatory. If your course does not, you do not pay the IT Fee but you may still opt-in to have access to the computer services by visiting your registrar office and paying the fee.

To check if you paid the IT Fee, go to the Algonquin College website page for your program, which lists all fees associated with the program including the IT Fee. For more information on fees, please visit the Registrar’s Office.

For more information about the IT Fee for online courses, see AC Online.

Note: The Information Technology Fee is pro-rated for Apprenticeship students based on the number of weeks they are in the academic level.

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