Curriculum Planning

7.5 Developing a curriculum plan that ensures coherence: correlating learning outcomes, needs/interests/abilities/diversities of learners with the learning activities, learning resources, and evaluation plan

Once you have your content, you will need to plan your learning schedule and course delivery. When developing your course learning materials, in-class and online activities and assignments, a key point to remember is to try to find material that will appeal to a variety of learning styles; this way all students can find something that works for them.

What are Course Learning Requirements (CLRs)?

A Course Learning Requirement (CLR) is a single-statement that describes learning that integrates knowledge, skills, and attitudes that learners achieve by the end of a specific course. These statements identify the performances that must be demonstrated and verified in order to receive credit for a course. Embedded Knowledge and Skills (EKS) describe “stepping stones” to, or sublets of, the Course Learning Requirements (CLR). This component encompasses smaller learning segments than Course Learning Requirements.

Vocational Learning Outcomes (VLOs)

Vocational Learning Outcomes (VLOs) capture the learning that is being done at the program level. These are broader statements that include a variety of levels and experiences. Employers, industry, and professional associations, and program graduates currently working in the field are all involved in the development and review process of VLOs.

Essential Employability Skills (EES)

For programs leading to an Ontario College Certificate, Diploma or Advanced Diploma, you will need to identify which of the Essential Employability Skills are applicable for students in your course. There are 11 Essential Employability Skills that need to be demonstrated by graduates of programs leading to an Ontario college credential.

Learning Outcomes & Designing an Evaluation Framework?

Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning. All aspects of teaching (activities, instructional content and assessments) should be designed with outcomes in mind. Evaluation is a continuous, ongoing process that is focused on learner performance. The evaluation framework is comprised of a variety of assessment types and evaluation tools that should be linked with the learning outcomes in your Face-to-Face, Hybrid and Online course.