CDW hardware donation helps cyber security students stay on top of technology

A generous donation of industry-standard hardware from leading technology solutions provider CDW Canada means Algonquin College Cyber Security Analysis Program students will learn and practice on the exact equipment they’ll encounter when they enter the workforce. CDW acquired a smaller company and added its hardware to their inventory in the process.

CDW account executive Dennis Meranger immediately thought about donating the duplicate equipment to Algonquin College because of its existing relationship with his firm and the quality of its programs.

“We have a great partnership with Algonquin College and seeing how unbelievably prepared the graduates are confirms that we’re doing the right things together,” says Meranger.

A strong industry partner, CDW has representatives that volunteer to sit on the cyber security program’s Program Advisory Committee (PAC), which makes recommendations on how to keep the program up-to-date and relevant to potential employers. The College also has a business relationship with CDW and CDW looks to the College to hire coop students and graduates.

“Algonquin College’s Cybersecurity program is leading edge and having modern equipment that is real-world, industry standard to learn and practice on ensures graduates are ready when they go out into the workforce,” says Meranger.

Students and graduates that go to work for CDW in the National Capital Region are often deployed to federal government departments or organizations, including the organization charged with defending Government of Canada networks and helping Canadians stay safe online, Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC).

The impact of the CDW donation goes far beyond students having more access to hardware in the classroom: its reach extends to the digital lives and cyber safety of every Canadians who ever fires up their own device and connects to the internet.

“CDW’s contribution of equipment will help increase device access in our cyber security lab and security related technology programs, helping our students prepare to protect and defend critical systems and sensitive information from attack the moment they enter the workforce,” says John Dallas, Academic Chair, Information and Communications Technology – Security, Systems & Networking.

Celebrating CDW

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