Message from this Year’s Executive Team

The BHTM Students and Alumni Society was created to recognize all our amazing students and outstanding alumni. It has allowed us to create a network of valuable connections and strengthen our industry relationships. It is part of our mission to promote Respect, Networking, Education, and Professionalism and we look forward to working with each of you to make that happen.

This year, we have made big changes to the Society and we have lots of new ideas and events we look forward to hosting!

It is a long-standing tradition for alumni to give back and contribute their time and expertise to the betterment of their alma mater. We continue to see this as years pass with heavy alumni involvement in the Annual Networking Event. We look forward to continuing to grow our relationship with BHTM program alumni through the introduction of our new Director of Alumni Relations.

We are proud to announce we have put in place this year extra measures to ensure our students are receiving the best possible experience; to ensure our peers are being heard! If you are a student and you have anything you would like to convey to us, please contact your Director of Student Relations directly.

We would also like to thank our corporate and industry partners. The events we plan every year would not be possible without your commitment and support. From hotels and restaurants to tourism organisations and much more, the support we receive is more than we could imagine. We look forward to continuing to work with you.

We hope to see you at our next event!

Ahmed Jaffer Oceanna Fata

Vice President Deputy Vice President

BHTM Students and Alumni Society


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