
Where can I find or upload the Weekly Schedule(s) (formerly known as CSIs)?

Weekly Schedules can be uploaded on the Course Outline page by clicking on the Paper Clip icon (Attachments) at the bottom of the Course Outline.

Weekly Schedules can be accessed from the course page. From the dashboard, search for the course using the search function in the upper right-hand corner of the page (using the course code works best). Click the “Type” filter and select “Course”. Pick the appropriate course and year. Under the Content section, click on Attachments. If the Weekly Schedule has been uploaded, it will appear here. You can attach a Weekly Schedule this way as well.

Why am I seeing courses on my Dashboard that I don’t own?

Service courses (Gen Ed elective and Communications courses) will appear in your Program Review or Department Review area because they are included in your program of study; however, they are there for your awareness and not for you to approve. These courses will have gone to every Program Coordinator and Chair that is using them in their program, but should only be approved by the users that own the courses.

How can I make changes to the course description?

You cannot change a course description in COMMS. Course descriptions come directly from GeneSIS. There is a window of opportunity in the late fall when changes to courses (including course descriptions) can be made in GeneSIS. Contact your Coordinator or Chair for more information.

If I don’t want to complete an entire outline in one sitting, how do I save my work in COMMS?

Once you have completed the Course Information page, where you identify the Contribution to the Program and specify whether the course is Core or Elective, you will be able to work on any section at any time by selecting the section from the menu at the right-hand side of the page. Click on the pencil icon at the top of that section to edit. You can edit all or part of a section, click SAVE at the bottom right-hand side of the page, and return at another time to complete additional portions of the course outline.

I’m just starting to enter information for a new course outline. I want to enter the course learning requirements before anything else, but I don’t see them listed on the Quick Links. How do I go directly to the course learning requirements window?

Until you edit the Course Information page, where you identify the Contribution to the Program and specify whether the course is Core or Elective, you will not be able to move to any other section in the course outline. Once this window is complete, the Quick Links will appear and you can move to any section in the outline.

I’ve tried to submit a course outline and I’ve received the following message: Section Validation Failed! Not all Essential Employability Skills defined are used in the Earning Credit section. What does this mean?

This means that you’ve missed validating at least one course learning requirement (CLR) and/or Essential Employability Skill (EES) in the Evaluation/Earning Credit section. To find which one is missing, look at your first assessment activity; make a list of which CLRs and which EESs have not been validated or ticked off. Move to the next assessment activity and stroke off any new CLR or EES that is ticked. Do this for each assessment activity and you’ll be left with the item(s) that were missed, and still need to be validated.