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Student Life

How to better use your time at home during COVID-19

Spending some time at home did not seem so hard at the beginning. You might have had the chance to sleep in, watch some TV shows and just relax. But weeks have gone by, school is done, and you are now uncertain of what to do with your time.

One thing we know, we should try to make the best we can with all this free time (if you are not working from home). Here are some tips for you:

Time to put things in order!

Do you know those drawers we never have time to organize? Or the messy cupboards? Take some time to organize things in your room or around the house. It will make you feel productive and proud of yourself.

Read books

Here is one thing that will always be a good call. Take time to read as many books as you can. We learn so much by reading! They say that we become better writers when we read.

There are many websites in which you can download free books such as DigiLibraries or the for the little ones.

Learn a new skill

From something simple such as braiding your hair, or something more complicated like learning a new career skill, you can find tutorials and workshops online for almost everything!! So, why not take some time to learn something you have wanted to for a long time, but have never had the chance to do so?

Take care of yourself

If you have always said you did not exercise because of lack of time, there is no excuse anymore! There are plenty of workout videos to follow and you can also take walks or go for runs. Algonquin College’s Student Association has been promoting some online workout through their social media as well. Stay tuned and let’s get some sweat going!

Get creative in the kitchen

How many times have you had the chance to not only prepare your lunch and dinner at home, but also be creative? Use the time to take some risks and maybe try out different recipes. Check out the top three recipes by Algonquin students.