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Student Success

Must have apps to set yourself up for success!

Whether you’re about to start College or in your final semester, there are great apps out there that can make your life a little easier, more organized, and less stressful! Check out the list below for some great ones that we suggest for college success!


Brightspace Pulse

Brightspace is the online portal that hosts most courses at Algonquin College. It is where you will find assignment details, lecture notes, schedules, messages from professors, grades, quizzes, discussion areas, and more. The Brightspace Pulse app is a great little organized app that helps you keep track of upcoming due dates, see the latest feedback on your assignments, and notifies you when new content has been uploaded, among many other things. Go download it now and stay on top of things this semester!


One of the most popular note-taking platforms, Evernote allows users to take and upload notes, pictures, audio and video snippets and organize them into cloud notebooks that can be synced across different devices. Perfect for organizing your notes for each course as well as your plans and drafts of assignments and projects.


Do you find yourself on TikTok or Instagram or texting when really you should be focusing on your course work? Try using a focusing app! Forest is a pomodoro style focus app that is cute and gives you a visual incentive to stay focused.



Stay on top of your finances with this great free app! Keep track of your budget and set financial goals that you can work towards.

Staying Organized

Task Tree

This is a simple and powerful task management app. Built using feedback and suggestions from TikTok users, this is a highly customizable productivity app. Users can utilize different organized to do lists, schedule reminders, or daily tasks, use it to track your habits or mood, and colour code the whole thing to your liking. It is simple, aesthetically pleasing (it even has a dark mode option), and when you accomplish something there is celebratory confetti!

Last Pass

We all have so many school, work, and personal passwords it can be easy to forget one (or seventeen) and you don’t want to be using the same passwords over and over again. Keep your accounts secure with Last Pass, a free password managing app, that will keep all those login details in one place.

Mental Health


Developed by The Royal, Canada’s foremost mental health care and academic health science centres, this app focuses on helping you keep your mind healthy. It is a problem-solving app designed to help students deal with emotions and cope with the stresses of school and life.


Looking for some guided breathing and meditation, or even just something to help you relax around bedtime, try out Oak. The app has a super simple design, offers a few different options of practices to implement and will help you track your efforts.

For Fun

Happy Color

Need a little mindless and relaxing break from school work? Take a break and immerse yourself in some colouring. Happy Color offers inspiring and beautiful images that will hopefully bring you some joy and relaxation.


Interested in getting some non-school related reading done at no cost? Download Libby and start borrowing from your local library. They have audio and e-books available, and a great search, hold, and borrowing system.