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Working while in school? We have some great advice for YOU!

There are lots of benefits to working during your time in College, the top ones that come up over and over again tend to be financial, skill, and/or experience related. Here are our top 3 benefits for working while in school and some advice from AC Alumni and students on managing that work-school life.



The reason most students work is financially motivated, which makes sense, since working while in school can help you pay your bills, lessen your students loans, or even just give you some spending money for the things you want.

Boost your time management skills

Balancing work and school is an excellent test of your time management skills or a great way to improve them. Figuring out how to balance work responsibilities, school work requirements, and your personal responsibilities is good practice for the future. Any employer, no matter what field you work in after college, is looking to hire people who can manage their time and their work effectively to get things done and within time limits.

Work experience

Work experience on your resume is always a good thing. Work experience that ties into your studies is even better! It can elevate your learning by offering you real world experiences to boost your comprehension.

There are great benefits to working while in school, but it is always good to keep in mind that things are not always simple or easy, so we asked some students and alumni for advice they wish someone had given them before they got started.


Prioritize your studies.

“My number one piece of advice for you, as someone who has been working two part-time jobs through school, is to make school your number one priority and let your employer know this. Making your employer aware of this, or finding an employer who will understand this is absolutely key. College offers you so many opportunities for your future + you are paying to learn, so make the most of the experience!” Paige, Current Student, Business Marketing.

Know that you can do anything but be realistic.

“You are capable of more than you think. If you work hard, it IS going to pay off. You are not expected to take on everything, but you can handle whatever is thrown your way!” Mariah, Recent Graduate of the Recreation and Leisure Studies program, Current Student, Personal Support Worker.

When deciding how many hours to work, remember to book some time for you!

“Make sure you’re giving yourself some downtime and not just filling your schedule with school and shifts at work. Make sure you’re open with your employer and that school is a priority. If your employer isn’t willing to work with you, it might be time to find a new job. Save, save, save! School is expensive, and if you’re going to be working through school, make sure you’re not just spending everything you make.” Abigail, AC Alumni and Current Student, Radio Broadcasting.

Communicate with your employer.

“Prioritize school over everything else, you will get through it. Discuss your priorities with your boss and figure out how your role and hours can be adjusted to best suit your needs.” Joel, AC Alumni, Computer Programming