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7 things to consider when selecting a college!

Once you’ve figured out which college program(s) you’re interested in, it’s time to choose a college! Part of selecting the right college is figuring out what your biggest priorities are. We’ve compiled a list of potential things to consider when making your selection. Every item will matter differently to each individual, so figure out which areas are most important to you and make sure to be investigating and comparing those aspects between your colleges of interest.


Finances are super important to keep in mind when selecting a college. What’s the difference in cost between the colleges that offer your program of choice? Are there extra fees to consider? Is it worth selecting the one that would be significantly more expensive?


Get to know the colleges you are considering! Do some research and see what others have to say about their experience with the college. Does this match with your expectations for college?

Campus Vibe

Feeling like you belong can make a big difference in your college experience. What kind of vibe are you looking for? Do your potential colleges match that feel?


While requirements vary between colleges and programs, you need to make sure to consider your high school grades. Some programs can be very competitive and it’s important to make selections for colleges where you meet the requirements or would be competitive in your application.

Learning Format

How do you want to learn? In class, hands-on, online, virtually. There are a variety of ways to learn and to attend college, knowing which one works best for you can help narrow down the best college option based on what it offers.

Work Experience

Many jobs are looking for applicants to have job experience in the field they are applying to, even after graduating college. If you don’t yet have work experience, especially in your field of study, consider applying for a program that offers co-op experience. Co-op ties directly into your learning but also helps you build connections in your field, get experience for you resume, and sometimes it even leads to employment after graduation!


Are you interested in living in a big city or do you prefer a smaller one? Do you want to stay closer to home or are you looking for opportunities to explore somewhere new?

Selecting a college can be a big decision, so take your time and figure out what the best choice is for you.

For more information about Algonquin College and its programs, visit our Explore page https://www.algonquincollege.com/future-students/explore