Enhancing Proof of Vaccination Requirements

Due to changes from the provincial government, effective January 4, 2022, the College will be requiring the use of the enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code where proof of vaccination is required.

The use of the enhanced proof of vaccine certificates will apply only to individuals that attend Algonquin College campuses that are not using the AC Vaccine Passport. The AC Vaccine Passport will still be accepted to gain access to campuses. Vaccine receipts without the QR code will not be permitted to be used for entry.

Also, as a reminder, self-screening is still required at all designated entrances. Please feel free to communicate these instructions with any visitors, guests and contractors that do not use the AC Vaccine Passport. All individuals must show identification along with their AC Vaccine Passport or enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code. Employee and student cards are also acceptable forms of identification. The QR code with photo ID can be presented at a designated College entry point either digitally or by printing a paper copy. The QR code will be scanned using the Verify Ontario app. Individuals can download their enhanced certificate with QR code using this link https://covid-19.ontario.ca/get-proof/ . If you have any questions please email laviolm@algonquincollege.com