

FINAL-KSCOPE-LOGOKaleidoscope is a yearly professional development conference for all Algonquin College employees – support staff, administrative staff, and faculty. It is a chance for employees to showcase talents and attend workshops that cover a variety of engaging topics. This year, our keynote speakers Peter Tilley, Bob Willard, and Deborah Kimmet, will be addressing the importance of a strong community, the use of technology, the commitment to social responsibility and the exercise of creativity and wellness.

For more information, visit the Kaleidoscope website!

Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

To better serve community and clients, Algonquin College strives to develop a diverse and inclusive workforce that is representative of the wider community and Algonquin’s student base.

Algonquin is working to understand and address the barriers immigrant job seekers face to enhance their employment prospects with Algonquin.

Specific initiatives include:

  • Uses staff participation in coaching and mentoring along with input and insights from Algonquin’s English as a Second Language (ESL) students to understand barriers to employment
  • Regularly and routinely sends job descriptions to LASI World Skills and other organizations supporting internationally trained immigrants (automatic email list)
  • Collaborates with immigrant serving agencies to hold workshops on how to apply for a job at Algonquin (format a resume, assess skill requirements, interview skills, etc.)
  • Accepts international qualifications, values internationally obtained work experience, provides feedback to unsuccessful job candidates
  • Full orientation program for all new employees, formal mentorship program for all new academic staff, less formal mentoring program for support staff

For more information, visit the Algonquin Case Study provided by the Hire Immigrants Ottawa.