Language Assessment Tool

Students who wish to study English with Algonquin College before entering their Post-Secondary program may want to complete the Algonquin College On-Line Assessment, to determine their approximate level and thus budget more accurately for their studies.

On-Line Assessment Tool

OnLine Assessment Image

The introduction and explanation of the test will begin as soon as the student clicks the link. The student starts the test by clicking “Get Started”.

The total test will take about 70 minutes to complete, and is composed of Listening, Reading, and Grammar evaluations. It is possible to stop the test after any section, and return to the test later, but not to retake sections already completed.

This tool is intended to give students a general idea of their English level and is not an official test. Official language testing is conducted on Algonquin College campus on scheduled test dates.

Please contact Sue Hodgins at for more information on EAP Programs.