Assistive Technology Support

Assistive Technology Support

What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive Technology is any tool that helps someone reduce a disability-related problem. This can be high or low tech, and can be software, hardware, or a service. Though priority is given to students who are registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL), all Pembroke campus student can access the services of our Assistive Technologist through one-on-one sessions.

What type of tools does an Assistive Technologist support?

We support tools for:

  • Accessibility
  • Note-Taking
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Time Management
  • Organization
  • Access to Course Content
How do I book an appointment?

You can book an appointment with the Assistive Technologist by calling 613-735-4700 ext. 2665 or by emailing

What can I expect at my appointment?

The Assistive Technologist works with you to find the right technology to help you succeed in your studies. At your initial appointment, the Assistive Technologist will perform an AT Needs Assessment. This involves reading through your disability-related documentation (if available) and exploring your strengths and your disability-related weaknesses and their impact on your courses. The Assistive Technologist then works together with you and other CAL staff to connect you with, and train you to use, technology that can help you. After you’ve used your technology for a few weeks, the Assistive Technologist will follow up to get your feedback on how your technology is working for you. If it’s working well, the Assistive Technologist will make an AT Recommendation for you, which can help with the process of obtaining your own devices; if the technology is not helpful, the Assistive Technologist will start the process again and look for other technology options.

Using Assistive Technology for a test or exam

Students requiring support with the use of assistive technology to complete a test or exam must meet with the Assistive Technologist at least 3 weeks before their test to receive technical support and training.