
Your job is out there. We’ll help you find it.

Welcome, we’re open! Drop by for one-to-one career direction and job search assistance, visit CES in-person Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm. If you require services outside of our regular operating hours, please contact CES by phone or email.

On 1 January 2024, CES welcomed the Integrated Employment Services (IES) program – our new client-focused, service-driven program. From needs assessment to job matching – CES will customize to the unique needs of every client. Job seekers can expect personalized career planning, effective training, and direct connections to local opportunities. Local employers are provided financial incentives for recognizing potential in our clients. What is unchanged, same dedicated team, same accessible Perth location. Let’s create your path to employment together, contact us today.


If you are looking for work or need assistance with developing your career goals, we offer a full suite of free employment services to people of all ages, regardless of your educational level or past work experience. Community Employment Services (CES) Algonquin College serves the Perth, Maberly and Lanark Highlands regions.

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