Admissions Requirements

Admission requirements provide a clear and consistent method for the college to use when considering applicants for entrance to all college programs of instruction.

Admission Requirements

Support for the development of admission requirements is available from Academic Development and the Registrar’s Office. Additional details on admission requirements are provided on the Registrar’s Office Admission Requirements webpage and Guidelines. For all admission requirements, consideration should be given to how the indicated requirements will be fairly equally and objectively assessed.

College Admission Requirements

All programs adopt consistent college requirements: an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent or mature student status.

Program Admission Requirements

All programs design program admission requirements that reflect the minimum admissions requirements for the credential type, as stated in the Ontario Qualifications Framework (OQF).

Minimum Admissions Requirements by Credential Type
Credential Minimum Admissions Requirement
College-Approved Certificate Locally Determined
Ontario College Certificate Ontario Secondary School Diploma or mature student status
Ontario College Diploma Ontario Secondary School Diploma or mature student status
Ontario College Advanced Diploma Ontario Secondary School Diploma or mature student status
Ontario College Graduate Certificate Ontario College Diploma, Ontario College Advanced Diploma, or Degree
Bachelor’s Degree (Three-year) Ontario Secondary School Diploma or mature student status with a minimum of one semester of full-time post-secondary study (minimum of 5 courses taken concurrently in an academic program of study)
Bachelor’s Degree (Four-year Honours) Ontario Secondary School Diploma, six U or M courses, and a minimum average of 65% or mature student status with a minimum of one semester of full-time post-secondary study (minimum of 5 courses taken concurrently in an academic program of study)


Some programs create additional program requirements which detail knowledge, skills, certifications and competencies that are essential for success in the program and are beyond the college and minimum program credential requirements. These program requirements may take different forms:

  • Academic Requirements, such as secondary school credits in specific disciplines/subject areas (i.e. Math, Biology, etc.) with minimum grade requirements;
  • Portfolio or writing requirements that allow applicants to show creativity, commitment, or interest in the program;
  • Assessment requirements, which are used in some highly competitive programs to determine a student’s knowledge base and suitability for the program;
  • Eligibility packages used for applicants who may only have partial academic requirements, but who may be able to demonstrate equivalent experience.

International Transcript Requirements

Applicants with international transcripts are required to provide proof of language proficiency. The Registrar’s Office provides guidelines that identify the language proficiency scores that correspond to domestic English language course and grade requirements.

Multi-delivery Program Admission Requirements

Programs with deliveries at more than one Algonquin College campus must have the same program eligibility criteria.

Programs delivered in partnership with other post-secondary institutions have admissions requirements determined in collaboration with the partner.

Admissions Requirements FAQs

Where do I find the Admissions Requirements for a program?

To view the admission requirements for a program, visit the Admission Requirement tab on each program webpage 

How do I make changes to the program admissions requirements?

  • Changes to admissions requirements should be evidence-driven, such as recommendations from a Program Quality Review.
  • Any changes to admission requirements must be approved by the Registrar’s Office.
  • Changes to admission requirements take two years to implement, as admission requirements are published 18 months in advance of a program intake.
  • Changes to degree program admissions require approval from the Ministry prior to implementation.