Primary and Secondary Contacts

woman As part of your Student Resident Agreement (SRA), you are required to identify a Primary and Secondary Contact whilst living at Algonquin College Residence.

If you wish to change your primary or secondary contact, please fill out the Change of Contact Form by clicking the button below. You can also speak to your Residence Life Coordinator in the Residence Life Department (located in the Back Lobby of Residence).

Change of Contact Form

What is a Primary and Secondary Contact?

A Primary Contact is a person that the Residence Management will call in case of emergencies (such as being transported to the hospital), conduct problems, missed payments, or if Residence Management becomes concerned for your wellbeing.

A Secondary Contact is a person that Residence Management will call if the Primary Contact is not available.


Who should my Primary and Secondary Contacts be?

The best choice is a parent, legal guardian, or older family member.

If possible, this person should live within driving distance to the Residence in case they need to attend the Residence.

If a parent or guardian is not available to be a primary contact, the person you pick should be responsible and be able to respond to an emergency situation. A friend who is far away or a young sibling is not the best choice.

Please Note: Residence Management does reserve the right to request that you choose a different primary contact if they feel that either of your contacts are not suitable to respond to emergencies, or if your contact becomes unavailable.


I have Questions about my Primary and Secondary Contacts

If you have any questions about switching your primary or secondary contact, or you are wondering who is the best contact for you, you can contact your Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) in the Residence Life Office in the Back Lobby.

You can also ask your RA to put you in contact with your RLC, or you can pick up your RLC’s business card from Front Desk for further contact details.


To view the Algonquin College Residence policy on Primary and Secondary Contacts, please see sections 5.01 and 5.02 of the Student Resident Agreement.

Student Resident Agreement 2023-2024