Wind Down Friday: Live Music ft. Massil Ait-Ouali

Nov 08, 2019 |1:00PM-3:00PM

Wind down your week with relaxing live music in the AC Hub!

Massil Ait-Ouali is a guitarist and singer-songwriter who performs original songs and fingerstyle guitar. He attributes this style from taking lessons with his idol and Canadian legend Don Ross. Massil Ait-Ouali is dedicated to sharing his music with the world.

No registration required, just show up!

About Massil Ait-Ouali

Massil Ait-Ouali is a guitarist and singer-songwriter who expresses himself through a variety of projects and styles.

Massil Ait-OualiHis compositions are brought to life through his folk-rock band Maple Grove, a project led by himself and childhood friend Jordan King. Their sound combines honest writing, catchy tunes, and shredding lead guitar to create a unique yet familiar sound.

Massil also has the honour of performing with Alanna Sterling & the Silvers, a band led by the incredible Alanna Sterling.

When he isn’t rockin’ Ottawa’s biggest stages, Massil can be found performing with his musical duo Breakfast in Bed, featuring Michelle Gendron’s incredible vocals. This duo focusses on smaller events and weddings and is perfect for more intimate performances.


Event Location

  • AC Hub (2nd floor, Student Commons)
  • Building: Student Commons (E Building)