College Initiative: AC Earth Day 2015

ED2015_banner-300-x-2502015 marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, celebrated on April 22 each year. The globally recognized day provides an annual point of focus for citizen around the world to reflect on the importance of the natural environment, its role in supporting human life and our responsibility to protect it.

For Earth Day 2015, Algonquin’s College Ancillary Services and Sustainable Algonquin invite all Algonquin College community members to seize the positive energy of springtime and this day. It is a busy time of year with students focused on exams, but never too busy to have a bit of fun and take advantage of some great ways to mark the day. Here is a sample of what is taking place:

Reduce waste!

  • Visit the Starbucks in the Student Commons building for your FREE brewed coffee when you bring your reusable mug.
  • Get your $.10 discount on hot beverages when you bring your reusable mug at Woodroffe campus locations

renewableenergybikeGet energy aware!

Visit Connections Campus Store between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to get a first hand (or foot) experience on how much energy is required to boil water. Tea anyone? Members from Siemens energy team, collaborating with Algonquin College for better energy performance will be on hand to talk energy with the renewable energy bicycle and hand out prizes for participants.

Reduce your GHG’s by cleaning up your commute!

Earth Day Canada to working to motivate action for commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020. See how you can start by cleaning up your commute.

Make every day earth day!

Algonquin College tries to make every day Earth Day with its commitment to sustainability and following its Sustainability Strategy Framework. Earth Day Canada launches a new mobile platform on Earth Day 2015 to help all Canadians make Earth Day Every Day.

Top 3 Earth Day Tips for Students:

  1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator on campus or in your apartment building – the few minutes of exercise might be just what you need to stimulate circulation and prepare you for the next exam or study session (fewer greenhouse gas emissions with less electricity used too!)
  2. Follow @ACSustainable and join the conversation about #ACSustainability
  3. Wish someone “Happy Earth Day!” – guaranteed to make you smile!

Top 3 Earth Day Tips for Faculty & Staff:

  1. Give yourself a 10-minute Earth Day break to set up your work space to make it easy to “power down” at the end of every work day. Think about changing the location of your power bar so that you can easily reach it to ensure that monitors, speakers, headsets, personal printers and other electronics can be powered down with one button. (check out the amount of electricity, costs and greenhouse gas emissions are saved each year with 92% of staff doing this simple action every day – you may be surprised at how big of an impact results from such a simple action)
  2. Sign up for the terra20 and Algonquin College “Save for Change” program. Enjoy great choices for eco-friendly home and personal care items at this Ottawa-based retailer. The more you spend, the larger the fund for Ancillary Services to do more great work for better sustainability performance for the College
  3. Download the new Earth Day Every Day mobile app and plan how you can clean your commute with the many tips offered on this site.

Happy Earth Day!

Group leading initiative: Multiple Groups

For more information, contact:

Algonquin College




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