David Donaldson: Where there’s a will there’s a way

In the summer of 2008, I came to the harsh reality that I could no longer blame the dry cleaner for shrinking my suits and shirt collars. Real self met self-image.

Since 2006, I had been unable to do any reasonable exercise due to a wonky right knee and a torn quadriceps on my left. In addition to the pressures and stressors of moving across the country and settling my family in Ottawa, the excuse of not eating dessert as a weight control had not worked.

I enrolled in a weight management program (needing that type of discipline) and over the course of the next 12 months, managed to lose about 50 pounds. With a tensor bandage on my left knee and arthroscopic surgery on the right, I enrolled in Fitness Zone and reconnected with the good feelings of regular exercise.

My weekly goal is to do a ½ hour of cardio 5 times a week between the Fitness Zone and my trusty home elliptical trainer. I make it at least 3 times a week most weeks and am very proud of myself when I achieve the 5 times threshold.

Now the challenge is maintaining the weight loss and continuing to exercise. The incentive – every suit and pair of pants I brought from BC was deposited in a Goodwill box and even with a loss of 50 pounds, the naked option is not appealing!


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