Jaynie Brown: My “Shape-Up” Challenge

For the past 10 years that I have worked at Algonquin College, I have always strived to excel in my work. I have been a support staff member, a teacher, and presently I’m an Academic Coach in the Student Support Lab. I have always relied on the great talents of others to improve my skills and perform my job to the absolute best of my ability. My success is measured by the success of the students that I help.

In my personal life, I’ve not been as successful. I’m a yo-yo dieter and have been for over 30 years. It’s easy for me to lose weight; the real challenge is to keep it off.
About 2 years ago, my husband and I both decided to get a grip on our diet and lifestyle. We love great food, and we ate at restaurants frequently, but it was taking its toll on our health. We chose to follow a program that focuses on the Glycemic Index (GI). After being on so many fad diets that focus on either low carbs or low calorie deprivation, this was a plan that would work. We ate great food, all foods, in proper portions, and we began losing weight. It was a slow loss, only a pound or two a week, but neither one of us feels like we are dieting, and we actually lost the cravings for starch and sugar!

This past summer, we decided that we needed to get more active as well. Personally, I have never been into physical activity outside of walking. I don’t like bike riding, and I’m terrible at team sports. The gym was the only answer. I’ve never wanted to go and hang out in a place full of people who are already fit and trim, but I needed to do it for me!

The staff at the Fitness Zone were amazing. We were given an orientation on how a lot of the equipment worked and everyone is always very friendly and non judgmental. I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed my time in the gym, another surprise. We even started coming in on weekends, and that was when I saw the “Shape up Challenge”!

The Fitness Zone was looking for 2 people to compete in the challenge. You needed to be committed to going to the gym and they would provide a personal trainer for the 11 weeks of the competition. I applied immediately. From all the applicants, they narrowed it down to 5 people to interview. I was so excited when I went for the interview. I told them they wouldn’t find anyone more committed to succeed than I am. A week later I received the email. I was in!!

Although the challenge has only just begun, I feel like I’m already a winner. Having Megan as my personal trainer has proven invaluable. I can’t even describe how different it all is. I have learned how to work my muscles effectively. I’ve learned how to warm up and stretch and work on upper body one day, and lower body the next. Most importantly, when I think I’ve done enough, Megan offers up her encouragement and pushes me to go further. Prior to meeting Megan I was going to the gym regularly, but I was not being effective. I’m being empowered with the knowledge to carry on this way for the rest of my life.


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