Kim Bedor: My Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle

In September 2002 while undergoing minor day surgery the heart monitor alarm sounded. This unexpected emergency with my husband brought about such a change. Upon returning home from his overnight hospital stay we made the decision that it was time to make a change in our lifestyle. Our first decision was to throw the deep fryer in the garbage. We then went through our cupboards and fridge and eliminated our “fast food” type foods, including white pasta, white flour and white bread. Breakfast was a meal we would both skip and this has also changed. We start our day a little earlier to make time for this important meal in our day. These few simple changes caused me to lose 40 lbs. by November 2002.

After stress testing showed that there must have been a faulty lead on the heart monitor and my husband Chris was heart healthy it was a huge sigh of relief. Now it was too late to turn back, we were enjoying our new eating habits and I was certainly not missing my lost weight.

Spring of 2003 brought about more changes when a work colleague convinced me to try the aerobics class and then later the Fitness Zone. This was the beginning of my love/hate relationship with the treadmill. Since that time I have participated in a few 5km runs and then was “pressured” by the same colleague to try the Ottawa Nordion 10km. Three 10km runs later and I am still running.

Having now lost 215 lbs I have learned portion control, aerobic exercise and even weight training. This new lifestyle change comes for me with a daily struggle, but in the end I know it is worth all the pain and discomfort.

On May 3, 2009 I ran my first 1/2 marathon in Trieste, Italy. This new challenge tested my training abilities and pushed me to new limits, but the feeling of crossing that finish line after 21.1km was like nothing else I have experienced.

I have now registered for another event with The Arthritis Society. This new journey will take me to Athens, Greece. My Mom, niece and numerous friends suffer from this debilitating disease. The Arthritis Society’s Joints In Motion is a great cause and I am proud to be part of this endeavour. To date I have raised $890 of my $6,800 goal and my personal deadline is March 31 to finish my fundraising.

If you wish to support me on my journey please feel free to contact me at Together, we can help out the 4.5 million Canadians currently living with arthritis. Or if you prefer, stop by and visit me in Room C226. Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey and for your support.


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