Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 | Algonquin College, Ottawa

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2012 Conference Agenda:

Evening Gala
Keynote Speaker: Amir Dossal
Title of Speech:  Empowering Communities Through Smart Partnerships

While we tend to focus on CSR, the real stakeholders are the local communities, and if we can develop innovative partnerships, it will be good for business and beneficial to society. As such, Amir Dossal will focus on the evolution of partnerships at the UN, the role of Ted Turner in turning the mother ship around, new trends in partnerships (smart partnerships), and the role of the public and private sectors in building innovative partnerships and alliances through smart investing/impact investing.  He will intersperse his speech with a few examples of successful partnerships, which will have reference to Canadians and the role of Canada in the World.

Amir Dosall's Bio


Time Activity

Welcome & Introductions

President of Algonquin College

Lizards’ Den Contest Winners Presentation

Social Innovation Enterprise Award Presentation (University of Ottawa)

Corporate Social Responsibility Award Presentation - NGO (Algonquin College)

Business Ethics Award Presentation (University of Waterloo)

7:00pm Dinner

Social Entrepreneur Award Presentation (School of Business Algonquin College)

Community Social Responsibility Award Presentation (Carleton University)

Corporate Social Responsibility Award Presentation – Corporate (Algonquin College)

8:20pm Keynote Address
Amir Dossal
9:20pm Closing Remarks
9:30pm Conference Adjournment
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