Program Standards

Every program has Vocational Learning Outcomes (VLOs) that list the culminating learning and achievement that students must demonstrate before graduating from an Ontario College credential. Some VLOs are developed by Algonquin College for our programs; other VLOs are developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU).

VLOs developed by Algonquin College must meet or exceed the program goals for similar MTCU-approved programs. VLOs developed by the MTCU are used across the province for programs that have been standardized in the college system – these VLOs are part of a provincial program standard.

When a program has a provincial program standard, the vocational learning outcomes described by the provincial program standard must be adhered to (however, the standard may be exceeded with additional vocational learning outcomes if necessary).

Program standards are developed and reviewed by the MTCU. Both processes involve a broad consultation process, with opportunities for stakeholders to provide feedback. Standards are created and updated based on stakeholder consensus. Stakeholders include employers, professional associations, graduates, current students, faculty and administrators. Colleges are required to implement new program standards when updates are provided. These updates maintain VLOs’ relevancy and respond to industry changes.

Program Standard Review Resources