New Program Development

While the process and timeline for new program development will vary by credential, the process generally involves four key stages:

Ideation Development Approvals Implementation
Ideas for new programs to be offered by the College can come from a variety of sources: faculty, staff, program advisory committees, labour market reports, etc. New ideas are submitted by the Faculty/School to be considered at the Initial Scoping meeting. Initial Scoping typically occurs twice annually, in November and May. The Initial Scoping proposal is supported by a preliminary business case and environmental scan, prepared by Institutional Analytics and Planning. Ideas approved at Initial Scoping can proceed to development. In this phase, a subject-matter expert is assigned to work with a Curriculum Consultant from Academic Development to develop the program, in accordance with Ministry requirements, College policies, and development best practices. The development team meets regularly to prepare the program development proposal and all aspects of the program curriculum. The proposal is reviewed by the Program Review Committee (PRC), typically twice, and must receive a motion of support from the Program Advisory Committee (PAC). The internal and external approvals required are dependent on the credential. Academic Development supports the shepherding of proposals through the internal and external approval bodies. Once final approval is received, the program can move into the implementation phase. This includes creating the program in the Student Information System, marketing and recruitment, admissions, and course development. Academic Development supports the implementation phase in a number of ways and facilitates the process across various areas of the College.

Process Maps for New Program Development

Process maps provide the details of the new program development process based on credential type:

External Quality Assurance Bodies

There are two primary external quality assurance bodies that guide and support new program development:

Curriculum Development Support/Resources

To find curriculum development resources and support, visit the Program Development website.