Tip of the Iceberg

The Tip of the Iceberg: Getting Started with Self-Compassion

hands making a heart shapeValentine’s Day is a great opportunity to show you care for that special someone – yourself! Loving yourself goes hand-in-hand with self-compassion – the practice of turning inward, accepting yourself, and honouring who and where you are in this moment.

Self-compassion means understanding that you are good enough as you are, not just because you have a particular trait or possession. It means treating yourself with kindness, particularly your mistakes or what you consider shortcomings.

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The Tip of the Iceberg: Self-Care for the Holiday Season

Relaxing on the couch with holiday patterned socks

‘Tis the season to be jolly… It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Happy holidays… you’ve heard them all, but what if you don’t feel jolly, merry, or happy? Perhaps, for you, the holidays are not the most wonderful time of the year.

Know that you are not alone in this. Many college students face a number of stressors at this time of year – dealing with final exams and assignments, having to travel home in inclement weather, or not being able to go home. Some of us deal with loneliness, and others feel the stress of managing many social engagements. To add to this, the days are shorter and less bright, which can also cause us to feel sad or down. So how can you cope?

Self-care is a critical component of managing stress. Taking the time to “recharge your battery” is especially important at this time of year. Calming your body can be a great way to calm your mind – think warm baths, deep breathing, massages, comfy blankets, and so on. Soothing your senses can also help ease stress and lighten your mood: essential oils, teas, listening to music, and seeking out humour are all great ways to cope. Continue reading

The Tip of the Iceberg: Improve Your Wellbeing through Yoga and Meditation

Overall wellbeing requires us to take care of our mental, physical, and social health. When one of these areas is not strong, the others are affected too. It can be hard to find balance and prioritize your self-care when you’re busy. But what if I told you that you can give all three aspects of your wellbeing a boost with just one activity? And getting started is as simple as unrolling a yoga mat. Continue reading

The Tip of the Iceberg: Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Group of Community Project volunteers at a farm

Thanksgiving is just around the corner – and whether you’re celebrating or simply enjoying a well-earned break, this season is a great opportunity to reflect on what you’re thankful for.

Gratitude plays an important part in your overall mental wellness. Focusing on good things in your life can help you feel happier and gain a more positive outlook. It boosts your resilience – when you regularly focus on the positive, you train your brain to shift perspective more easily in stressful times. Continue reading

The Tip of the Iceberg: Connect to More Than WiFi!

Students making herb gardens at an AC Hub DIY workshop

Your Algonquin College experience extends far beyond academics. Being a college student also means learning to adapt to change, maintaining your existing relationships while trying to make new ones, balancing academic commitments with other activities, managing program expectations, and learning about yourself. College is a time of change and growth, and change can be hard. A very important factor in a successful college experience is social connection… and, no, I’m not talking about social media! Continue reading