PFP9160 – Fitness and Nutrition for Policing

Course Description

Society has come to recognize that personal and collective wellness is essential to enhance the quality of life. Students are introduced to the concept of wellness and are provided with practical strategies for developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Students address physical fitness, nutrition and potential health problems. Students set goals, design and implement an effective personal fitness program and personal diet plan to meet these goals. The Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police test (PREP), as well as the Physical Ability Requirement Evaluation test (PARE) are introduced.

Course Details

Semester: Winter 2022
Campus: Perth
Start Date: Week of February 7
End Date: Week of May 16
Link Code: PPH4T
Number of Weeks: 15
Hours Per Week: 3
Delivery Type: Congregated
Associated College Program: Police Foundations


Students prepared to complete learning by:

X submitting multiple written assignments
using research and essay writing strategies
delivering presentations
X participating in group-based activities
X completing hands-on learning
learning in a fast-paced environment
X completing online work
X performing highly-specialized tasks
using industry software tools

What can I do with this course?

If you enjoyed your dual credit course and are interested in continuing your education at Algonquin College, you can apply for the full time Police Foundations program at the Perth campus. Explore more



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