Electrical Engineering Technology Client Projects

Competition Number: CN: EET-2016F

Project Start Date: September 2016
Project End Date: April 2017

Are you interested in working with Electrical Engineering Technology student teams? The Electrical Engineering Technology program invites industry partners to participate in our experiential (work-integrated) learning as part of a college curriculum. Our program is hosting in-class client projects with the Office of Applied Research & Innovation (ARI) over a two semester period during the fall and winter semesters. Working in small teams, students engage in a research project.

Experience with practical projects provides students with learning opportunities to gain insight and experience, thereby making the connection to industry. Through collaborative participation in applied research projects, students work towards solutions using project management methodologies in real-world workplace environments.

The ability to identify and satisfy all stakeholder expectations is essential in successful product development. Students work in consultation with faculty and external stakeholders to create deliverables by monitoring and controlling the project resources. The solutions developed are defended in formal oral and written presentations.

Electrical Engineering Technology students can build a prototype or a testing procedure to answer a question or solve a problem. Students provide a detailed technical report on every aspect of the system and all project results are owned by the client.

There are 10 projects needed to start in September.

  • EXAMPLE 1: Design and testing of a device to automatically close blinds when outdoor light levels reach a certain limit.
  • EXAMPLE 2: Create new CAD designs using tools and equipment from ARI (3D scanners, printers, thermal cameras, etc.) to model existing spaces and components.
  • EXAMPLE 3: Install sensors and analyze data to determine the present energy consumption used in a process, or at a site, and make recommendations to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness.

We invite you to review the skills that Electrical Engineering Technology students are developing from their course descriptions here: Electrical Engineering Technology Program Details <https://www.algonquincollege.com/acce/program/electrical-engineering-technology/>

If you have any further questions please contact Kathryn Reilander, Program Coordinator, at 613-727-4723 ext. 3431 or Kathryn.Reilander@algonquincollege.com


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