The Team

Ericha Braun

ErichaProgram: Child and Youth Worker, Level 4

Hometown: Wakefield, QC

Current Town: Ottawa, ON


Ericha applied to this project because she believed that it would be a remarkable learning opportunity that would change her perspective on the world. She’s eager to learn from her team and from the communities in which she will be working. She fully believes that although she will be helping the communities in Tanzania, that they will be giving back just as much, if not more. Ericha has volunteered with City of Ottawa summer camps and has travelled to Europe with her high school. She once found $1,000 and tried to return it with no avail. Now she’s using that money to go to Tanzania!

Robin Pitman

Program: Child and Youth Worker, Level 4

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Although Robin has travelled with her family, this will be her first time in Tanzania. She is looking to gain a unique personal and professional experience while giving back to the Tanzanian communities in whatever ways possible. Robin believes that she will learn and grow in ways that she didn’t know were possible. She is eager to learn about international development and make a difference in Tanzania. Robin has volunteered for Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa. Her humor, commitment and optimism will be a great asset to the team.

Sarah Dewar

Sarah DewarProgram: Child and Youth Worker, Level 4

Previous Programs: Business Admin (Algonquin), BA – Psychology

Hometown: Various (Military Family)

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Sarah has a unique ability to bring people together. Whether she is volunteering with the Brownies, or with her church, she always looks for opportunities to collaborate with others and learn from each and every experience that she has. She is hoping to learn more about her strengths and weaknesses, and her personal biases. Sarah is eager to share the stories of the upcoming learning expedition with her 3 children!

Jenna Boucher

JennaProgram: Child and Youth Worker, Level 4

Previous Programs: Baking and Pastry Arts (Algonquin)

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

When asked how she thinks this experience will impact her learning, Jenna said, “I think it will allow me to appreciate what I have more. It will put everything into perspective and help me keep the ‘bigger picture’ in mind.” As someone who always sees things as “half-full,” she applied because she knew that she would regret if she missed this opportunity to grow as a person and as a Child and Youth Worker. A veteran St. Brigid’s summer camp volunteer, Jenna is always looking to help other people in her community.

Stephanie Girgis

StephanieProgram: Practical Nursing, Level 4

Previous Programs: Pre-Nursing

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Stephanie has always wanted to volunteer internationally, and now she can as part of the Tanzania 2014 team. A fairly shy and sensitive individual, she’s able to provide her friends with valuable emotional support. Stephanie has volunteered for Canadian Blood Services and volunteered quite extensively in high school helping fellow students. She has travelled to Florida, and to Egypt to visit family. She’s looking forward to having her cultural perspectives expanded, and her perspectives on life changed.

Natasha Caroli

NatashaProgram: Practical Nursing, Level 2

Previous Programs: Massage Therapy

Hometown: Niagara Falls, ON

Current Town: Nepean, ON

Natasha is no stranger to volunteering internationally – she has volunteered in Tanzania with Hands Across Boarders. She’s also travelled through Europe. Natasha is excited to enhance her teaching capabilities, stating that anyone who can manipulate their teaching skills to accommodate another culture is a strong educator. Her recent volunteer trip to Tanzania was so rewarding and educational that she jumped at the chance to have another great experience: “I wanted to continue to do more.” She may be small, but don’t let that fool you – this team member has a “big & strong” personality!

Ben Dorion

BenProgram: Primary Care Paramedic, Level 4

Previous Programs: Bachelor of Science – Biochemistry

Hometown: Edmonton, AB

Current City: Ottawa, ON

Volunteering internationally comes easy to Ben. He has volunteered in South Africa, Tanzania, Costa Rica, Greece, and Nicaragua. Even with those experiences, he knows that this new experience will help him learn about providing care in different settings with language and cultural barriers. Ben is looking forward to using his new skill set in a global outreach setting. Ben’s experience and outlook on the project is a wonderful addition to the team!

Chris Green

ChrisProgram: Primary Care Paramedic, Level 4

Previous Programs: Bachelor of Health Sciences

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Nepean, ON

Chris has lived in Australia and all over Canada. He is a sailor, and has taught sailing for 8 years. Chris’ positivity is a welcomed addition to the team. He is looking to make the world a better place, and make himself and his teammates better in the process. “We will be making ourselves better people, so hopefully that will trickle down to others in our college community.”

Rebecca Cook

RebeccaProgram: Dental Hygiene, Level 3

Hometown: Kemptville, ON

Current Town: Kemptville, ON

Rebecca has been skydiving, and has travelled to numerous places for pleasure, but is looking forward to this volunteer trip because she has always been interested in travelling to developing countries to help. Adventurous and always looking to push boundaries, she is excited to experience something that will open her eyes to issues going on in other parts of the world. She has volunteered with Sharing Smiles and Kemptville’s local RibFest. Rebecca wears her heart on her sleeve, and will become attached to those the team is helping, but that’s to be expected when your passion is helping people in need!

Sarah Foster

sarah FosterProgram: Early Childhood, Level 2

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

A promoter of Ottawa’s YMCA, Sarah is ready to make a difference on a larger scale by helping in developing countries. She’s ready to bring her knowledge and skills of Early Childhood to Tanzania and in the process, learn and understand more about their culture. Sounds like an easy task for a mom of an energetic 2-year-old!

Ana Barros

AnaProgram: ECE Intensive Program, Level 1

Previous Programs: Bachelors of Social Work

Hometown: Chile

Current Town: Gatineau, QC

Ana has travelled throughout South America. She has volunteered for The Red Cross, various hospitals, Canada Changing Together, the Immigrant FASD in Edmonton, and is excited to be involved in the Tanzania project. Ana is ready to jump into the project, as helping people is her passion, and learning from them is her objective in life. When asked what will be her biggest challenge, she said, “For me, there is never going to be enough time to be with new people and to learn from them.”

Madelaine McFadden

MadelaineProgram: BScN, Year 4

Previous Programs: BSc Kinesiology

Hometown: Halifax, NS

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Madelaine has travelled extensively for pleasure and to volunteer. She’s always had a passion for global health and was a key instigator of the Student Nurse Global Health Interest Group at AC. She is ready to bring her enthusiasm on the trip. Madelaine is looking forward to learning new skills, breaking her “personal bubble.” She’s eager to “create a sustainable program for the health care providers in Tanzania”!

Sarah Beanlands

Sarah BeanlandsProgram: BScN, Year 4

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Sarah is a reliable individual – she volunteers throughout her community, and she’s been a hard working member of the Global Health Interest Group since 2012. She even placed 26th out of 500 runners in the Ottawa City Chase Race! When asked why she wants to go to Tanzania, Sarah said, “I want to be a part of a group of diverse individuals who are making an impact on a global scale. This experience will enhance my understanding of culture and global health, and I will use skills that I lean on this trip to take care of patients upon my return.”

Ainsley Saumure

AinsleyProgram: BScN, Year 4

Hometown: Smiths Falls, ON

Current Town: Smiths Falls, ON

Ainsley has travelled to many places, including Africa and Costa Rica. She brings positive energy to every experience and is excited to learn useful tools and skills for her future career, all while helping improve the lives of people in Tanzania. She’s thrilled to have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people, and to be a part of a project that will change lives!

Monika Brennan

MonikaProgram: BScN, Year 4

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Whether she was travelling for pleasure or for a humanitarian purpose, Monika was learning as much as she could about the impact of determinants of health, and the power of education as it relates to health. She’s an active listener, has been to the Dominican Republic, Mexico and throughout Canada. She has coached the OSU Girls Soccer Team and was born on Earth Day.

Meagan Wilson

MeghanProgram: Dental Hygiene, Level 3

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Determined and able to handle stressful situations, Meagan is eager to better the lives of others using the knowledge she has gained throughout her college experience. She has volunteered with a refugee program, and the Sharing Smiles campaign. Meagan believes that seeing the world differently will help with her career and her daily life. “I feel great about helping the community,” Meagan noted. “I feel that it is important to get involved to make a difference.”

Holly Ainsworth

HollyProgram: Dental Hygiene, Level 6

Hometown: Kanata, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Holly loves to paint and cook, and is great at motivating others. In her volunteer roles at Algonquin, at her local church and in her high school, she was always doing what she could to help others. She is ready to make a difference, and to learn about different cultures and different areas of the world. “I feel that I am going to be a part of something that will be impacting peoples’ lives in a positive way,” Holly explained. “I hope we can make an impact and improve the lives of those we encounter.”

Kelly Anne Hum

KellyProgram: Practical Nursing, Level 4

Previous Programs: Pre-Health

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Kelly hasn’t travelled in a volunteer capacity, but she’s eager to challenge herself – go out of her comfort zone – and broaden her view as a nurse. She expects that the experience will appreciate the medical system in Canada that we take for granted. She’s particularly eager to educate the birth attendants on the “Golden Minute” CPR method. Kelly has an outgoing personality, and can easily strike up a conversation with anyone. Although this nursing student is afraid of needles, she’s not afraid of travelling to Tanzania to help educate people on medical best practices!

Janet Munn


Program: Dental Hygiene, Professor

Previous Programs: All dental

Hometown: Halifax, NS

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Janet is a world-class dragon boater and lover of all water sports who wants to help the community in any way possible. Janet always strives to give students opportunities to work abroad to open their horizons and have experiences that they may not get to have, so when the opportunity to travel to Tanzania with some students arose, she jumped at the chance. “I learn something valuable with every volunteer position, whether it’s dealing with individuals, learning about the culture or how to better prepare students for the experience.”

Vicki Grisim


Program: Child and Youth Worker, Professor

Previous Programs: Child and Youth Worker diploma, BA Psychology, Ms Education

Hometown: Cornwall, ON

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Vicki is a professor who will be joining the team on the trip to Tanzania. She can’t wait to get there and get to work! No surprise, given her interest in the Breath of Life goals. Vicki has worked with children and youth throughout her career, and is excited to learn about the children and youth in Tanzania. She is also looking forward to guiding Algonquin’s students through the process, and helping them contribute to their home community of Ottawa. During the trip, the team will be visiting Project TEMBO (Tanzania Employment and Micro Business Opportunities). Vicki is excited to learn just how much of an impact the Algonquin team had on the local community.

Sherry Poirier

Program: Nursing, Professor

Previous Programs: B. Ed., M. Ed., BScN

Hometown: Bishop’s Cove, NFLD

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

When you find your purpose in life, it is important to embrace it and run with it, and Sherry Poirier has done just that. As a member of the project development team, Sherry is working to create a wonderful opportunity for Algonquin’s students while supporting an important cause. “Why do I do it? Simple. It’s the right thing to do. We have an abundance of knowledge and skills in Canada, and they need to be shared with people who can benefit from them.” The Breath of Life global service learning opportunity struck a chord with many students, and that only fuels Sherry’s fire, even in the face of a mountain of work. “I am concerned that I will miss ‘the journey,’ as I navigate through the endless list of tasks and responsibilities, but focusing on why I am doing this and the importance of the trip keeps me grounded.” Sherry’s passion is evident in conversations with her about the upcoming trip. Algonquin’s team will be in good hands as they prepare for Tanzania, with Sherry Poirier sharing in leading the charge!

Kathy Storen


Program: Early Childhood Education, Professor

Hometown: Sydney, NS

Current town: Barrhaven, ON

Kathy Storen, originally from Nova Scotia, has had over 20 years’ experience in the field of early childhood education. An active volunteer in her community, Kathy has been involved in the Barrhaven Childcare Centre, the Ottawa Headstart Association for Preschools and the Play Therapy Resource Group, to name a few. This will be her first volunteer trip, and she is excited to learn from the children in Tanzania and bring that experience back with her to share a global perspective through real stories.


Curtis Farrell

CurtisProgram: Paramedic, Professor

Previous Programs: BHSc (Pre-hospital care), ACP, AEMCA

Hometown: Edmonton, AB

Current Town: Ottawa, ON

Curtis is a professor in both the Paramedic and Advanced Care Paramedic Programs. His interest in this project stems from two rather different viewpoints. First, as the devoted father of twins, issues involving child health are extremely important to him. As a paramedic, having delivered babies in the field, he knows firsthand the stress involved when dealing with a newborn baby that is struggling to stay alive. The Breath of Life takes the skills of basic neonatal resuscitation and puts them in the hands of the people who need them. It gives them the training and the tools so that they can give families in Tanzania that same joy that Curtis feels every time he looks at his own children. For his students, Curtis sees this as a unique leadership opportunity and an excellent example of the expanded role that paramedics are filling in the field of community paramedicine. All over the world, paramedics are making a difference by proactively addressing primary health care needs related to injury/illness prevention.