LMS Weekly Update: Brightspace FAQs


Can I view my course as a learner?

Brightspace allows you to view your course content as a leaner. But, for a 100% learner view, instead of switching to “View as Learner” or the use of a student persona (manual student account that we create when requested, we now have a more elegant solution. Go to your course, Tools/Classlist/Add Participants/Add existing users and search for Test Student. Under role, make sure you select the TestStudent role. Once the student is added, you will be able to impersonate it and view your course as your students see it.

Note: As many other instructors will use this test student, please be aware of the fact that, once you enroll it in your course, any instructor that will impersonate the test student will be able to view your course content as a learner. It is recommended to un-enroll once you check your course.

Is my quiz/assignment linked to the grades?

A quick way to spot which activities (quizzes, assignments, discussions, etc) have gradebook columns associated is to look for the Grade Item icon beside the title of the activity, under the Activities menu, on the course nav bar.

Why can’t I delete my gradebook column?

Brightspace does not allow you to remove grade columns that are already associated with an activity. The right order is to remove the activity and then go back to Grades and remove the column.

How can I learn more about Brightspace?

  1. Brightspace Essentials course – now includes an open forum in which you can discuss ideas and problems with other faculty.
  2. Sign up for PD sessions – look out for new sessions on Zoom Classroom, and how to update your student grades, in the next few weeks.

What are the required elements for my Brightspace course?

All courses must include an accurate and up to date Course Outline (as found in the course navbar) and CSI, a faculty contact information page and regularly updated student grades. Look out for an infographic next week providing more details on this, and read the full policy here.


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