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5 reasons to register for the Fall Open House

It’s that time of year! Time to think about where you want to pursue your post-secondary education and check out various colleges to see what is the best fit for you. This year we are back again with our Virtual Open House which offers prospective students a chance to attend a live event from the comfort of wherever you’re located in the world. This great event allows you to ask questions, meet professors, students, and coordinators, as well as get a feel for the AC community. If that alone isn’t enough to convince you to register for our upcoming open house check out these five reasons why we think you should attend!

1)Learn How to Apply

Applying to college can be challenging or disorienting, but don’t worry, we have you covered. During the AC Open House, recruitment officers will be demonstrating how to navigate the Ontario Colleges application process and will be available to answer any questions you may have about applying to Algonquin College.

2)Talk Money & Admissions

Do you have money on the mind? Representatives from Financial Aid, Admissions, and other Student Support Services will be running a session to answer all your questions about paying for school, what kind of supports are in place, and what the process is like to becoming an AC Student. This is a great chance to connect and get all the answers to those pesky financial questions.

3)All Your Questions Answered in One Evening

Instead of having to set up multiple meetings with representatives from each area of the College to get your questions answered you can just attend the Open House! Representatives from a wide variety of areas will be available to speak with you directly, all in one convenient virtual space. It’s a “one-stop shop to talk directly to representatives from all of our programs, services and student life” says Recruitment Officer, Erik Franz.

4)Meet Faculty, Students, and Representatives from your Program of Interest

Want to learn more about specific programs? Representatives with first-hand knowledge of the programs will be available to answer all your questions. Want to check out several different programs? It’s easy through our Virtual Open House to jump back and forth between sessions to learn everything you want to know to make an educated choice for your future.

5)Learn about the College Experience

Whether your program is online, hybrid, remote, or on-campus, we’re still connecting as a college community. Representatives from the Student Association, Clubs, and Athletics will be hosting sessions during the evening about the great opportunities Algonquin College has to offer to make sure we’re all staying connected and maintaining that (school) work – life balance.

Don’t delay! Register for the Open House today!