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Student Success

15 study tips from students just like you!

Prepping for a test, working on a big project, or getting ready for exam season?

There are a million different ways to study and countless strategies to help you study in a way that works best for you. We asked AC students to share their tips for successful studying and we’ve compiled them here for you!

“Get Sleep!”

“Try studying with others!”

“Remember to take breaks and get snacks”

Switch things up, “Try Quizlets”

“Do smaller tasks first, so all attention can be focused on the larger ones”

Mix things up “Highlight”, “Colour Code”, “Study smart: use many learning modalities including pics and videos”, or try using “Flow charts and diagrams”

“Before starting, read the instructions, then read and organize information, then get started.”

“Just start somewhere, anywhere”

“Do some exercise before sitting down to study”

“Try the Pomodoro method”

“Find a good environment to work in – some people do better with background noise and different environments”

“Try Meditation before studying”

“Eat healthy, sleep well, and take some rest before the exam day”

“Study with no pressure and free mind”


If you are finding that you could use some additional support in your studies we highly recommend reaching out to Student Support Services. They have a wide variety of resources, workshops, and support available to help all students succeed.