Frequently Asked Questions

What are the steps in the application process for this program?

Please see details here

Can I take the program part time or online?
Yes you are able to take the program part-time; however, at this time it is not available online.

Can I start in January?
Yes it is possible for you to join the program in January, however it is not recommended. Students who join the program in
January as opposed to September will not have the opportunity to participate in the orientation session where all students get to know each other outside the classroom setting. This orientation results in a “family” oriented atmosphere throughout the
year which can assist students who are attending from remote locations.

How do I know if I am a good fit for this program?
If you are a person who wants to make a difference in your community, enjoys working with others, and has an interest in
Aboriginal peoples, then this program is for you.

What college programs does Aboriginal Studies qualify me to apply for?
Once you finish the first year of the program you become graduates of the certificate program. Once this happens you can either
apply to take year two of the Aboriginal Studies program, or apply to another program within the college. Graduates who want to apply to another program are encouraged to speak to their program coordinator or the Registrar’s office to confirm which credits are transferable.

Will taking Aboriginal Studies help me with my acceptance into other college or university programs?
Contact the specific college program coordinator or the university to ask about transfer of credit options before applying to the program.

Do I need a computer for the program?
Yes. The program contains certain courses (i.e. Computers and Aboriginal Languages) which require you to have your own computer. The laptop must meet the specifications outlined by your program at:

PLEASE NOTE: At this time the program is only compatible with PC’s and not Macintosh systems.