Brian Vlaming

Brian Vlaming , Chair

First Name: Brian
Last Name: Vlaming
Title: Chair

Brian Vlaming started in construction in 1978 as a labourer on a commercial site. Vlaming soon began a carpentry apprenticeship and took his in-school training at Algonquin College. He went on to focus on finish carpentry, then moved into cabinetmaking. He is now owner and Chief Executive Officer of LTR Industries, an architectural millwork shop that employs 30 people. Over the last 40 years, Vlaming has done every job in his business, from sweeping the floor to building, finishing and installing the millwork. He has also been involved in researching, buying and using the automation software that has been instrumental in expanding the business. Vlaming sits on the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Construction Association, which gives him a perspective on the industry as a whole. He became involved with Algonquin College for the second time as a resource for hiring cabinetmakers. When asked to join the PAC, he readily agreed, believing his experience gave him a well-rounded perspective. “I see my role as ensuring that the professors are kept in touch with an ever-changing industry. This is vital as the use of automation equipment becomes more prevalent, gives the College opportunities to be involved in research and training.”