Ron Gallant

Ron  Gallant , Chair

First Name: Ron
Last Name: Gallant
Title: Chair

As president and sole owner of Affinity Production Group since 1994, Ron has enjoyed close to 30 years of management experience in broadcast services, video and motion graphics production, audio postproduction and administration of Affinity’s facilities and equipment rentals. He is respected by and well known in the Ottawa media production community and has strong management skills and an extensive technical background. He has a solid reputation for quality service and extraordinary devotion to clients. Affinity’s clients range from government departments to national and international broadcasters, from the largest corporations to the leanest independent producers. Gallant oversees a dedicated creative team at Affinity, which includes several Algonquin graduates. He was a founding board member of the Ottawa-Gatineau Film & Television Development Corporation (OGFTDC). The OGFTDC was a publicly funded organization whose mandate was to promote the growth of the film and television production industry in the cities of Gatineau and Ottawa and the National Capital Region and increase the industry’s contribution to the economic and creative vitality of the region. As a board member and now advisory committee member, Ron has been involved with the Ottawa Film Office since it began.