Steve Gleddie

Steve  Gleddie , Chair

First Name: Steve
Last Name: Gleddie
Title: Chair

Steve Gleddie worked as a research scientist in a laboratory studying genetics and cell biology for over 35 years at Agriculture Canada in Ottawa. Today, Gleddie is retired from this position and serves as a volunteer with several organizations. He gives his time to the Canadian Blood Services and the Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society to promote and educate the public on stem cell transplants. He is a guest speaker in Grade 12 science classes at many Ottawa area high schools, and runs stem cell registry drives at these schools and other venues in the National Capital Region. Gleddie studied biology and obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Ottawa and his Master of Science degree and PhD from Carleton University. He chairs the PAC at Algonquin College as a way to give back to the science and technology educational system. “I enjoy mentoring young scientists and students,” he says. “PACs play an important role in guiding the evolution of many Algonquin College programs. Science changes rapidly, and jobs, skills, training, and education must keep pace. The PAC helps to keep the program relevant to today’s market for young scientists.”