Options Skilled Trades Fair-A Community Showcase

_DSC0574-smallFor the past 14 years, Algonquin College’s Waterfront Campus and Renfrew County’s four District School Boards have been teaming up to shine a spotlight on the skilled trades.

The Options Skilled Trades Fair attracts more than 2,000 senior high school students from across the region, providing them with an opportunity to learn more about apprenticeship training and employment opportunities in the skilled trades.

The highlight of the day long show is a skills competition which features more than 200 students competing in trades such as welding, team carpentry, hair styling, small engine repair, culinary arts and much more.

The talent on display is remarkable. Many of the high school students who compete in the competition will go on to become apprentices or will choose a college program within their field of interest.

ac ottawa valley constructionOptions has been recognized by the province of Ontario as an award winning grassroots effort to help the province introduce more youth to apprenticeship training to fill pending or current labour market shortages within many trades.

Apprenticeship training has certainly become a higher priority for both the federal and provincial government in recent years. While it remains difficult for some youth to secure an apprenticeship placement with an employer willing to sponsor them, many will benefit from their experience at Options by networking with potential trades employers and directly learning from them what they look for when hiring an apprentice.

For those students who are motivated to be successful in a trade and can demonstrate the aptitude and determination to learn a skilled trade, the future is bright. Options provides competitors with a chance to showcase their skills and there’s no question employers are looking for new talent. The aging demographics in most trades are a clear indication of the need to have more young people choose a trade for their career.

A MPT student working on a brake systemAnd one last point. Many trades pay very attractive salaries. It’s not the best reason to choose a trades career, but it certainly is a wonderful benefit. Just ask a well established plumber or electrician what their annual salary is?

The Options Skilled Trades Fair will be held May 11th at the Pembroke Memorial Centre. The show is free to trades exhibitors, students, parents and the general public. It runs from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and will be a hub of activity.

You can expect some past graduates of the Options program to be in attendance. Many go on to successful careers and come back to Options as judges for the competitions. That’s how you know Options is working!

Posted by: Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community & Student Affairs


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