Brian Langer

Brian LangerParking, Lockers, Coin-Ops and Card Services

It takes a special talent to make the parking operations of a large institution function smoothly, anticipating problems and handling frustrations – just making it all work. I have had the occasion to work with the Parking Office at Algonquin many times, and they have always been great. One person in particular that has made my life easier is Brian Langer.

Here are some reasons why I feel Brian is deserving of the President’s Star Award:

Brian is always pleasant and accommodating without jeopardising the functions of the parking office or breaking any procedures. He always tries to find a solution to every request that I go to him with in regards to accommodating our visitors (from Open Houses, Forums, and Connections, to High School PD days and other visits)

  • Brian is client-focused and realises that parking is an important first impression and that we in Recruitment have to be mindful of that fact
  • If required, he arranges accessible parking for our visitors
  • He is always available to answer questions (even when he has a day off, he will reply to questions when he knows things are time –sensitive)
  • His biggest impact, however, is with Open House in the fall. Every year there are more school buses and more areas around the College (five this year) to drop students off. Brian goes out of his way to create a plan that ensures that safety is first. He maped out a route for buses to go to the ACCE building, getting permission for us to cross into the OC-Transpo lanes. Brian takes the time to meet with me and to visit each location ensuring things run smooth on the day.
  • He arranges for all his staff to be available on special days, making sure the increased traffic flows well and staff, students and visitors are treated with respect and great service.
  • Brian always deals with problems in a professional way, without putting the onus back on the organizers of an event. He’s a pro.

Thanks you for considering Brian as a deserving candidate for the President’s Star Award.

Nominated by: Anne Kalil
Presented on: March 21, 2013