Christine Berthelet and Christine Chatelain

Christine Berthelet and Christine Chatelain Registrar’s Office

I am nominating these two amazing ladies for the superior job they do as Team Leads for the Client Service Representative (CSR) team within the Registrar’s Office.

Their dedication always astounds me. Affectionately known as Cx2 (Christine and Christine), they are always approachable, accessible and dedicated in ensuring their knowledge is up to date and current.

They are the brains behind AskUs, recently redesigning the application and now more than 95% of questions are answered correctly on the first attempt. That’s the level of detail these ladies give consistently.

The two Christines also deliver the two-week training plan that introduces new RO hires to the systems, processes and procedures in the Client Service role, while emulating Algonquin’s core values with skill and humour and exemplifying H2H.

I ask for your consideration with regards to awarding these two amazing ladies a President’s Star!

Nominated by: Marilyn Gallant
Presented on: April 24, 2013