Danielle Puchnatyj

Danielle PuchnatyjStudent Support Services – Residence Life

It is with pleasure that this recommendation for the President’s Star Award be submitted to recognize the efforts put forth by Danielle Puchantyj, the Acting Manager of Residence Life at Algonquin College. Since Danielle arrived at the Residence several years ago, the Residence Life program has flourished and grown immensely. The program continues to expand – giving the students who live there an opportunity to Live & Learn and contribute positively to the College community and the Algonquin Experience.

Recently, Danielle’s immediate supervisor was required to take medical leave for a health concern – and Danielle was put into the acting role of Manager of Residence Life, while also completing her tasks as the Residence Life Coordinator (RLC). Carrying these two positions at one time is an awesome and daunting responsibility. In this position, she is responsible for managing 20+ student staff, learning the intricacies of budgets at year end time, learning the responsibility of an administrative position, posting and going through the hiring process for a new RLC, attending meetings and committees for two positions, being on-call 24/7 – all of this while ensuring a positive, safe and educational experience for the 1000+ students living in the Residence community. In addition to her commitments at work, she is also pursuing her Masters Degree in Education at University of Ottawa.

Taking on this additional responsibility was not an easy task. However, Danielle’s spirit, courage and dedication to her student staff and the Residence population are second-to-none in the industry. She remains a contact for other Res Life professionals who touch base with her for best practice ideas. In this role, she regularly, effectively and professionally represents Algonquin College. She has put forth long hours (often 12-14 hour days), has maintained and actually built new relationships with many departments and faculty areas of the College, and most importantly, she has taken up the opportunity with positivity and it is a challenge she will take pride in completing.

The Core Values that Algonquin College observes are witnessed daily by the people Danielle works with and for, in the Residence community. You will not find a more caring individual – her students and staff will tell you this. She always examines a situation with empathy and objectiveness, ensuring that each situation is thoroughly and positively resolved. She is extremely respectful of diversity, ensuring that Positive Space initiatives are alive and well in Residence. However, the most obvious Value that Danielle displays is “Learning”. Danielle is always looking at every scenario as a “learning opportunity”. Regardless of the situation – and sometimes in Residence, situations can be quite unique and challenging – you can bet that you will hear Danielle say “Ok, this is a learning opportunity here. What can we take from this and grow?”

Danielle has gone through a very challenging 3-4 month period in her professional and personal life – balancing new roles on campus and completing her Masters Degree. Her dedication to Algonquin College’s Residence students and her continuous observation and practice of the Core Values should be recognized. The President’s Star would be this recognition.

Submitted by: Anonymous
Presented on: May, 2012