Diane Banks

Diane BanksFaculty of Arts, Media and Design

Diane Banks is deserving of recognition in her role as Faculty Marketing Officer. In this position, Diane has initiated a variety of innovative ideas to help faculty and Chair’s reach out to our applicants and open communication channels with our students. Diane has been a leader in the use of social media as an outreach tool and has received accolades in that regard from the Director of Marketing, Doug Wotherspoon.

Diane is also the first person to come forward to help organize faculty and staff events whether social or educational. All her efforts contribute to building a sense of community for students, staff and faculty in the School of Media and Design.

One way Diane goes over and above is her active role in staff events. For example, she is currently organizing a staff curling bonspiel during reading week to encourage more collaboration and networking amongst staff. She helps in any morale building activity from the air band competition (she was Glenda, the good witch) to our Xmas luncheon. She also attends every student event that staff organize and tweets about it. These are after hours and include Halloween parties, grad shows, etc.

Diane also mentors other Faculty Marketing Officers by sharing her expertise and resources. An example would be that she shared our FAQ templates with other schools so that they could easily replicate or create their own.

Diane continues to be a bright light in our department. Her work ethic is well-above average and she is always willing to go the extra mile. It is with pleasure that I nominate Diane, a worthy recipient of the President’s Star.

Submitted by: Robyn Heaton, Chair, Media
Presented on: February 14, 2013