Elizabeth Tyrie

Elizabeth Tyrie with Kent MacDonald

Business Development

For nine years, Elizabeth Tyrie has been a tireless volunteer supporting the Foundation’s many initiatives. A strong example, is Elizabeth’s leadership to organize the past six years, the United Way/Algonquin College/Small World Big Picture Golf Tournament raising close to $50K to provide bursaries for financially challenged students. In addition, Elizabeth steps in to volunteer for Alumni Events, Gala Dinners and goes the extra mile to see the BIG PICTURE of philanthropy. Her enthusiasm, passion, big heart, strong organization skills, sharing, caring and professionalism contribute significantly to making a difference in students lives and also stewarding many of the Foundation’s donors. We salute Elizabeth as a true “volunteer” and recommend her to receive a well deserved President’s Star.

Nominated by: Brenda Rothwell
Presented on: October 30, 2013