Karen Stevens

Karen Stevens

Food and Beverage Operations

After seeing Karen on numerous occasions juggling the delivery of two full carts of refreshments at the same time, I thought that it would be nice to recognize her hard work by putting her name forward as a candidate for the President’s Star Award.

She always goes above and beyond in her duties by coming in extra early to make sure that set ups for our breakfast meetings are completed well in advance of guests arrivals and does so with a smile.

 Her attention to detail is greatly appreciated as she is always willing to help in any way that she can without complaint. I’ve seen her running the halls with her delivery carts just to make sure that she reaches her destination in a timely manner. She has amazing energy and her smile is infectious. Some of the nicknames that I’ve heard attributed to her include "Speedy Gonzales" and "The Roadrunner".

While I could quite easily nominate the entire staff of the Food & Beverage department for their dedication to customer service, I believe that Karen should receive an individual nod. Thank you for your consideration.

Nominated by: Wendy McMonagle
Presented on: April 6, 2011