Patricia Balon

Pat BalonRegistrar’s Office

Pat has been with the College for many years, and currently holds the position of Client Service Coordinator, Student Records.

Pat’s enthusiasm, organizational skills, and work ethic, are exemplified by her behind the scenes input towards Convocation. She is an integral part of the behind the scenes operations that result in the smooth delivery of diplomas to Graduates at the ceremonies.

Pat’s contribution to the Spring Convocation ceremonies starts well before the event itself. Once a suitable “Diploma Room” has been acquired, Pat quickly ramps into organization mode, designating areas for each Client Service Officer (CSO). She then orders and sorts both diplomas and addressed envelopes, placing them on the appropriate CSO’s table. By the time the CSOs arrive the room is thoroughly organized and supplied, ready for the marathon task of inserting the diplomas into certificate folders, and then envelops.

After the CSOs have prepared the diplomas, Pat has them place the diplomas into the boxes she has labeled and organized by ceremony and program. Pat then pulls all of the diplomas of graduates who have registered for Convocation and places them in the boxes to be sent to the event.

At the ceremony, after the graduates shake the President’s hand, and before they return to their seats, Pat is involved in handing the graduates their diplomas backstage. Pat can be depended upon to perform all of these tasks, with a smile and good humour. The care and diligence with which she performs these tasks result in the smooth distribution of diplomas to the graduates.

Of Pat’s many positive attributes, what stands out consistently is her devoted mentorship and balanced guidance of both new and veteran members of her team. Invariably, it is the “complicated” questions where her guidance, her experience, and her eye for detail are both sought out and appreciated.

Nominated by: David Kenny
Presented on: December 9, 2011